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Beauty Salon Treatments You Should Try In Your Lifetime

From vampire and snail facials to caviar masks and LED therapy, there are a lot of kooky-sounding beauty treatments out there. But are they just fads, or are they really worth your hard-earned bucks? Beauty pros at Beauty Salon share which treatments they say are worth getting once in your life (even if they're a little out there). So, we hereby give you permission to treat yourself!

Microneedling for the scalp is a must, says Leanne Citrone, esthetician and stylist at the Beverly Hills Beauty Salon, who swears by the treatments she's gotten from dermatologist Brian Dubow, M.D. "With a rolling device, an esthetician creates microscopic wounds to the scalp that are supposed to promote blood flow to the area and stimulate new hair growth," she says. The treatment kick-starts hair growth and is ideal for someone looking for thicker strands. Citrone says she notices a noticeable difference in her clients’ manes when they have it done. According to our research, the largest online cosmetic surgery community, a package of microneedling sessions can run you up to $700.

Other treatment to try is non-ultraviolet blue light, which can help improve acne, while red light can help with fine lines. "It is commonly known that blue and red lights have potential antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and oil gland inhibition benefits, The FDA has actually cleared blue light as a therapy for acne, and at-home devices are available. One of our faves is Tria Acne Clearing Blue Light, which is available at your local Beauty Salon.

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